Jan 26, 2024 - Recognition by Walton Lantaff
On behalf of Walton Lantaff Schroeder & Carson LLP, we would like to formally recognize the achievements of senior partner Ian Ronderos. Ian has won the incredibly prestigious AV Preeminent Peer Rated for Highest Level of Professional Excellence Award. Since 2008, Ian has been an incredibly valued member of our team, putting in outstanding effort both in and out of the courtroom to the satisfaction of our clients and our firm.
The AV Preeminent Peer Rated for Highest Level of Professional Excellence Award recognizes lawyers who display fair and professional conduct in the courtroom. Ian’s reviews were gathered from lawyers on both sides of the cases that he argues. In a glowing review, one of opposing counsels had this to say: “Mr. Ronderos is an excellent attorney and always very professional and courteous. Even though we are on opposite sides, he is always a pleasure to work with, very knowledgeable and respectful.” Ian thanks all of those who contributed peer reviews.

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